
    • cloudy and rainy
    • n/a
    • n/a


Weather forecast

No current data! No season!

Winter sports report

Snow report

  • Depth of snow
    • n/a
  • Snow condition
    • no info
  • Last snowfall
    • 17.01.2023


Key Value List
Last snowfall in resort 17.01.2023
Last snowfall in ski area 17.01.2023
Comments from the station crew:


0/4 open
  • Lifts open
    • 0/4
  • Selital
    Type: Pony lift
    Conditions: No information available
  • Skilift Gägger Selital
    Type: Skilift
    Conditions: Closed
  • Skilift Selital
    Type: Skilift
    Conditions: Closed
  • Zauberteppich Selital
    Type: ??code.liftType.4017_en??
    Conditions: Closed


0/8.9 km open
  • Pistes open (open today/total)
    • 0/8.9 km
  • Slope condition
    • no info


Key Value List
Runs down to resort (open today / total) 0/3
Condition of runs down to resort closed
Surface area of pistes 0.02 km²
Number of local pistes 8
  • Bärghütte (0.0 km)
    Type: Red track
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/0.9 km open
  • Bärgli (0.0 km)
    Type: Red track
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/0.8 km open
  • Chrigeler (0.0 km)
    Type: Red track
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/0.4 km open
  • Hinteres Selital (0.0 km)
    Type: Blue track
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/2.5 km open
  • Schwarz (0.0 km)
    Type: Black track
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/1.1 km open
  • Selital links (0.0 km)
    Type: Blue track
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/1.1 km open
  • Selital rechts (0.0 km)
    Type: Blue track
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/1.1 km open
  • Tal rechts (0.0 km)
    Type: Red track
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/1.1 km open

Cross-country skiing

0/45.4 km open
  • Cross-country classic
    • 0/45.4 km
    • Conditions end of season
  • Cross-country– skating
    • 0/45.4 km
    • Conditions end of season
  • Trail temperature
    • -5°
    • Current

Langlaufzentrum Gantrisch

Key Value List
Altitude of cross-country runs 1502-1578 m (altitude)


  • Brüggelweg - Runde (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/1.6 km open
  • Brüggelweg - Runde (0.0 km)
    Type: Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/1.6 km open
  • Chaltweh - Runde (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/3.1 km open
  • Chaltweh - Runde (0.0 km)
    Type: Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/3.1 km open
  • Gantrisch Königsloipe (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/8.6 km open
  • Gantrisch Königsloipe (0.0 km)
    Type: Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/8.6 km open
  • Hauptachse LZG (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/8.9 km open
  • Hauptachse LZG (0.0 km)
    Type: Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/8.9 km open
  • Höll - Runde (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/2.3 km open
  • Höll - Runde (0.0 km)
    Type: Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/2.3 km open
  • Lischboden - Runde (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/10.0 km open
  • Lischboden - Runde (0.0 km)
    Type: Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/10.0 km open
  • Pfyffe - Runde (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/2.4 km open
  • Pfyffe - Runde (0.0 km)
    Type: Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/2.4 km open
  • Schutzhüttte -Süftenen Alternativ (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic & Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/0.6 km open
  • Selibühl (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic & Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/1.2 km open
  • Sortel (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic & Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/3.0 km open
  • Verbindung Grön-Chaltweh (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic & Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/0.2 km open
  • Verbindung Höll -Schutzhütte Alternativ (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic & Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/1.6 km open
  • Verbindung Selital-Schutzhütte (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic & Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/0.9 km open
  • Verbindung Süftenenegg (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic & Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/0.2 km open
  • Wasserscheide-Stierenhütte (0.0 km)
    Type: Classic & Skating
    Conditions: closed
    0.0/0.9 km open
Comments from the station crew:
Cross-country skiing:
Between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. track service must be expected!

Dogs are not allowed on the trail network

Opening hours

Key Value List
Start of season: 01.12.2023
End of season: 30.03.2024


Key Value List
Cable car / funicular T +41 31 735 50 63
Tourist office  T +41 (0)31 735 55 55



Key Value List
Adult: 40.- CHF
Young person: - CHF
Children: 20.- CHF
Seniors - CHF

6 Day pass

Key Value List
Adult: 200.- CHF
Young person: - CHF
Children: 100.- CHF
Seniors - CHF

Season pass

Key Value List
Adult: 333.- CHF
Young person: - CHF
Children: 222.- CHF
Seniors - CHF
  • Family discount:
  • Hour tickets:

Family day passes and family-friendly ski pass

Day passes incl. lunch (2 ad. + 2 child.): CHF 125

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Are you satisfied with the quality of this snow sports report?

* compulsory field

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Gantrisch Selital
Bern Region
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Weather forecast for today

Snow report

  • n/a
  • no info


  • n/a

No current data! No season!

Last update: 17.10.2023, 09:53

All information is the responsibility of local partners; weather data supplied by SRF Meteo.

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Resort details: Schwarzenbühl-Selital